I suppose fast being relative to your machine, render settings, and overall size of the model you are attempting to render, but when compared to the competitors, VRay is consistently faster than the rest. Here are 10 advantages for using VRay for architectural rendering. Not only that, there are plenty of other reasons to choose VRay over the rest. While I can’t guarantee more sleep and less all-nighters, I can tell you VRay will have those board-formed concrete walls looking better than they ever have.

There are dozens of rendering plug-ins out there, and finding the one that works best for you can be an exercise in patience, trial and error and maddening late nights trying to get your bump-mapped board-formed concrete walls not look like ass before your early morning client meeting. Architects, in particular, will find a lot to like about VRay (I’ll get to that in a minute). It’s the engine behind turning out believable realizations of your designs no matter the 3D modeling software you prefer. The tools we use to garner that bugged-eyed, jaw dropped ‘wow’ factor response - and also show we are the professional worthy of being hired - are vital to our success. They need hand holding, dumbing down, and most-importantly, they need to be blown away. The first and most important thing anyone in the design industry must understand is that clients don’t think like you do. I should rephrase that: architects, designers and artists are unemployed if they can’t communicate their ideas.

Architects, designers and artists are nothing if they can’t communicate their ideas.