If you have any other rare wallpapers not listed here, send them my way I may not already have them.

If you have any of these, please send me a link. Windows Mobile 6.5 (also has some sample pictures).Wallpapers from the following mobile OSs: (I would try extracting them myself, but I am not sure how to do so).Longhorn demo wallpapers that aren't any of these: (I am particularly looking for the canyon one if anyone has any others let me know.While cropped versions of a few wanted wallpapers have been posted, I'd rather have the original files if possible) Windows XP Starter Edition wallpapers (Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Africa, Egypt, possibly other editions I already have the Russia, Latin America, Brazil, India and Turkey ones.

In order to make this archive as complete as possible, I am looking for the following:

While there are many HTML directories and such containing them, they often tend to be pretty messy and/or lack many wallpapers. I am working on a large archive of Windows wallpapers, which will contain pretty much every Windows-related wallpaper that can be found.